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Learning Updates for Week of January 11 to January 15

Arts Update: Third Grade Examines Gender Stereotypes Third graders enjoyed the opportunity to discuss gender stereotypes and participate in a drama activity that helped them better process this important arena of social justice. We began the class with a read-aloud of the book PugDog by Andrea U’Ren and an enlightening

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2020 MLK Day Community Service Campaign Honored

The success of last year’s MLK Jr. Oatmeal Drive Challenge to benefit Boston’s Pine Street Inn was a testament to the strength and caring of the Belmont Day School community. In total, students, parents, and faculty donated more than 430 boxes of instant oatmeal, a hearty and healthy breakfast item that

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Learning Updates for Week of January 4 to January 8

Third Graders State Intentions for 2021 Third graders spent the first days back thinking about their intentions for the new year. We read the book, One Word for Kids: A Great Way to Have Your Best Year Ever, and thought about words that would help guide us for the rest

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Learning Updates for Week of December 14 to December 18

Second Grade Learns About H2O In science, second graders have been learning about the water cycle and the three states of matter. We discussed stages of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection and watched a video to help us see the cycle in action. To demonstrate their understanding, students labeled each stage

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Lessons for Offsite Learning from Global Online Academy

Over the summer, many members of the Belmont Day faculty, including the entire middle school teaching team, attended the Global Online Academy (GOA). The goal of this shared professional development experience was to sharpen our approach and skills with online learning. As planned, we are now in a period of offsite

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Arts News, November 13

To kick off the seventh and eighth grade theater arts intensives, students explored, experienced, and applied what it means to “Walk a Mile in My Shoes.”

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Learning Updates for Week of November 16 to November 20

First Grade Designs and Builds Scientific Tools First graders have been learning about scientists this fall, answering questions like, “What is a scientist?” “What does a scientist look like?” “Who can be a scientist?” “What do scientists do?” After discovering that scientists’ activities include thinking, using their senses, experimenting, exploring,

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January 15, 2021

Arts Update: Third Grade Examines Gender Stereotypes Third graders enjoyed the opportunity to discuss gender stereotypes and participate in a drama activity that helped them better process this important arena of social justice. We began the class with a read-aloud…
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By John O'Neill, Director of Athletics |

January 15, 2021

After six weeks away from campus, middle school athletes hit the ground running (literally) upon their return last week


January 13, 2021

The success of last year’s MLK Jr. Oatmeal Drive Challenge to benefit Boston’s Pine Street Inn was a testament to the strength and caring of the Belmont Day School community. In total, students, parents, and faculty donated more than 430 boxes…


December 18, 2020

Second Grade Learns About H2O In science, second graders have been learning about the water cycle and the three states of matter. We discussed stages of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection and watched a video to help us see the…
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By Liz Gray, Middle School Head |

November 30, 2020

Over the summer, many members of the Belmont Day faculty, including the entire middle school teaching team, attended the Global Online Academy (GOA). The goal of this shared professional development experience was to sharpen our approach and skills with online learning.…
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By Susan Dempsey, theater teacher |

November 20, 2020

To kick off the seventh and eighth grade theater arts intensives, students explored, experienced, and applied what it means to “Walk a Mile in My Shoes.”
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By John O'Neill, Director of Athletics |

November 20, 2020

It was a fall athletics season like Belmont Day has never seen. It will be a season we’ll never forget!


November 20, 2020

First Grade Designs and Builds Scientific Tools First graders have been learning about scientists this fall, answering questions like, “What is a scientist?” “What does a scientist look like?” “Who can be a scientist?” “What do scientists do?” After discovering…
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on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, due to weather.