Again this year, sixth grade is organizing the Trick or Treat for UNICEF (United Nations International Emergency Children’s Fund) fundraiser. UNICEF is dedicated to helping children in need. Imagine if you had barely had any food for weeks and then UNICEF comes and gives you the food you need to live!
UNICEF supplies our school with orange collection boxes so students can ask people if they have a donation for UNICEF while they’re out trick-or-treating. The more money we collect the better. It may seem like you can’t make much of a difference, but you can. Just $1 helps a child in need with clean water for more than two months. And just $3 can provide seven packets of food for a child. With even a small donation you could change someone’s life.
Not only can students help by trick or treating, but adults can also keep a box of change by the candy you are handing out, so if someone asks you for a donation to UNICEF you have money at the ready!
Sixth grade students will be distributing the boxes in classes soon and after Halloween will return to each classroom to collect them. You can also donate to the UNICEF website. Thank you for your support. Have a happy Halloween!