
Learning Updates for September 16 to September 20

September 20, 2024

Labyrinth Students Enjoy Books by Campfire

Labyrinth grades three through five participated in a summer reading challenge. In collaboration with the Erskine Library, classes completed a Mentimeter survey about which challenges they took on and enjoyed and how they accomplished them. Students shared their favorite books from the summer, and we compiled them into recommendation lists.

Students in all three Labyrinth grades gathered together last Friday to participate in an event we called “book camping.” Students rotated around the Downing Gym in mixed grade level groups, “tasting” books from picnic baskets. Students huddled around campfires (no real fire was used!) and completed a review at each station to gauge their interest in the books. Almost every student found a book with a four or five-star level of interest. Librarians Ms. Sprung and Ms. Saidenberg are checking out and delivering over 100 requests for books from the event!

The book camping experience was created collaboratively by Ms. Skinner, Ms. Sprung, and Ms. Twarog, through the Inspire Grant program for developing innovative curriculum. All the Labyrinth faculty came together to help run and support the event. We are thrilled by how the Labyrinth students are embracing our culture of reading, and how many students can’t wait to devour their next book! Thank you, families, for partnering with us to foster a love of reading in your children.

– Vaniecia Skinner, fifth grade teacher, Amy Sprung, school librarian, and Leigh Twarog, third grade teacher

First Graders Design Skateboard Stickers

This week, first graders continued learning about identity and shared aspects of their own identity through the lens of skateboard stickers. Inspired by their summer reading book Skater Cielo by Rachel Katstaller, first graders have been learning about skateboarding, identity, and the power of perseverance. In collaboration with the innovation team, students looked at skateboards and stickers for inspiration and began designing stickers highlighting their identity. Their designs will be put through Cricut and turned into stickers!

– Geoffrey Fox and Julia Fox, first grade teachers


September 13, 2024

Fourth Graders Make the Dream Work  Fourth graders have started the year by talking about community and teamwork. One of their first activities was to make a pyramid of six cups, using only a rubber band and four strings (they…

By John O'Neill, Director of Athletics |

September 13, 2024

Tryouts for the boys’ soccer, girls’ soccer, football, and volleyball programs wrapped up this week and rosters are set for the fall season. Varsity teams will kick off the interscholastic schedule next week with six games on tap, including four…

By Kathy Jo Solomon, visual arts teacher and sustainability coordinator |

September 6, 2024

The school garden has had a great season and continues to produce a variety of vegetables. This summer, we harvested over 175 pounds of fresh, chemical-free vegetables and herbs that included cucumbers, zucchini, summer squash, garlic scapes, beans, tomatoes, basil,…
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