
Learning Updates for March 13 to March 17

March 17, 2023

Seventh Grade Math Tackles Problem Sets & ChatGTP

Our seventh grade mathematicians have been working on problem sets throughout the year. They have recently been exploring what it is like to work on these challenging problems with a broader mathematical community. By working together with family members, friends, and past teachers outside of BDS, the students saw how talking through problems and sharing solution pathways expanded their thinking. Students began to wonder what it would be like to expand their mathematical community to include non-human collaboration. What would it be like to solve a problem alongside ChatGPT? After working through a problem together, students turned to ChatGPT to see how artificial intelligence would approach the problem. They quickly found that working with ChatGPT was not as easy as they may have hoped. It made assumptions and generalizations that led to incorrect answers, and it struggled to think creatively. Students found that they needed to break the problem into pieces, give ChatGPT rules to follow, and give specific mathematical frameworks to work in. It turns out the biggest perk of having AI do your math homework is that it forces you to deepen your mathematical thinking and reasoning.

– Sarah Pikcilingis, middle school math teacher, and Annie Fuerst, director of technology & innovation

Spanish Students Honor Women’s History Month

A short note but a big shoutout to all identified women at Belmont Day and to the sixth and eighth grade Spanish students who contributed to celebrating Women’s History Month. In sixth grade, students worked on an acrostic poem with the words MUJER and WOMAN; they reviewed previously learned vocabulary and learned new words from peers, and some of them looked at the Pictionary they made at the beginning of the year. Eighth graders wrote descriptions of their Capstone projects and honored women who contribute to a variety of different fields. ¡Felicidades!

– Ana Maria Restrepo, middle school Spanish teacher

Oh, The Stories These Fourth Graders Will Tell!

Our fourth grade storytellers are busy rewriting ancient Greek myths in preparation for our Ancient Greek Storytelling Festival in May. Students chose from a variety of hero stories and, as they collaborate, are discussing what makes someone a hero. In preparation for writing, they have to decide whose perspective they want to share, and this leads to questions such as: Was Odysseus a hero or a thief? And, was the Cyclops a villain or a victim? (Or, as one wise fourth grader stated, “I think he was a bit of both.”) This year we are also telling the story of Pandora’s Box because, as we emerge from a pandemic, it feels like a great year to tell a story about hope.

– Lana Holman, fourth grade teacher

Kindergartners Learn About Ramadan

Next week will officially begin the month-long holiday known as Ramadan! We kicked off celebrations in kindergarten by welcoming in Passant Ahmed, mother to both Omar and Mariam in kindergarten, to help us learn more about this special time. The students had a wonderful time making paper lanterns and even received real lanterns brought in from Egypt. Throughout the 30 days of Ramadan, kindergarteners will continue to learn more about Ramadan and the three-day festival that marks its ending, called Eid. Ramadan Mubarak!

– Missy Hartvigsen, kindergarten teacher

By Kathy Jo Solomon, visual arts teacher and sustainability coordinator |

September 6, 2024

The school garden has had a great season and continues to produce a variety of vegetables. This summer, we harvested over 175 pounds of fresh, chemical-free vegetables and herbs that included cucumbers, zucchini, summer squash, garlic scapes, beans, tomatoes, basil,…

By John O'Neill, director of athletics |

September 6, 2024

The eighth graders who arrived on campus this week are markedly different from their former seventh grade selves who walked out the doors in June. Sure, they may be an inch or two taller, but the confidence with which they…
Three teachers stand with a sign that says "Welcome! Responsive Classroom"


August 9, 2024

First grade teacher Geoffrey Fox, second grade teacher Katie O’Brien, and fourth grade teacher Emily Crawford attended the Responsive Classroom Elementary Core Course at Burlington High School. This national program trains teachers on strategies for creating a positive community, ensuring…


July 11, 2024

In late June music teacher Kassie Bettinelli and Latin teacher Nicole Buck traveled to Colorado Springs to attend The Gardner Carney Leadership Institute at the Fountain Valley School. The six-day intensive workshop helps K-12 teachers and administrators learn how to…
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