Betty Chu Pryor, Lower School Head

BettyChu Pryor, Lower School Head

Whether You’re A Dragon, Snake, or Tiger, Happy Lunar New Year!

Legend has it that long ago, the Jade Emperor, the ruler of heaven, was creating a calendar. He decided he would hold a race, and the first twelve animals to cross the finish line would have a year named after them in the Chinese zodiac. Growing up, I loved hearing this myth, which was retold to me with only minor variations depending on the storyteller. Nowadays, several wonderful children’s picture books offer retellings of the legend. My favorite may be Cat and Rat, beautifully authored and illustrated by Ed Young.

While I learned of the Chinese zodiac from a very young age through my family, I suspect that the paper placemats used at many Chinese restaurants introduced many in our community and beyond to the twelve zodiac animals. Each animal has unique characteristics; thus, those born in that animal’s year are believed to embody those personality traits. I have always felt fortunate and proud to have been born in the year of the dragon—one of the most majestic of the dozen animals represented in the zodiac, although notably the only fictitious one.

Dragons are revered in Chinese culture as extraordinary creatures that symbolize power, luck, and nobility. A quick online search finds that dragons possess several admirable qualities, such as confidence, generosity, intelligence, creativity, and ambition. Beyond those qualities, being a dragon was special for me as a child because my Mom is also a dragon, and we are the only dragons in our family! That was impressive since I have over a dozen aunts and uncles and over thirty first cousins on my Mom’s side alone.

Amazingly, when I was expecting my first child in 2013, that was also a dragon year. I was thrilled with the possibility of having three generations of dragons in our family. However, I was disappointed when my doctor told me my due date was on Groundhog’s Day, February 2. The Lunar New Year that year would start February 10 so that meant that if my child arrived a week late, she would be born in the year of the snake.

I kept close tabs on my baby’s growth at every doctor visit. I asked numerous times, “Are you sure the due date is in February and not late January?” I even bought a baby dragon onesie, hoping it would inspire baby Pryor to emerge earlier than predicted. When my doctors eventually determined that the birth would have to be induced in late January, I was a bit nervous but also elated. I would have a baby dragon, after all! My daughter turned twelve earlier this week and certainly displays many of the characteristics of a dragon—many of the same ones that I see in me and my Mom. While I am not a zodiac enthusiast, I’d like to believe that all three of us being dragons has played a role in our shared personality traits.

The connections that bind my daughter, my mother, and myself are familial and cultural. So, it was exciting to see so many families enjoying and learning about an aspect of Asian culture at this morning’s Lunar New Year assembly. We welcomed back the lion dance troupe from the Calvin Chin Martial Arts Academy of Newton. I first connected with Calvin and his troupe over twenty years ago when I invited them to perform at a different school. For most of the students, it was their first viewing of a lion dance, and they were mesmerized! Indeed, the vibrant costumes, the upbeat drumming, and the acrobatic feats of the martial artists amaze me every time I see them.

Last week, I was chatting with a fourth grader about how we looked forward to celebrating the Lunar New Year. When I asked the student if she knew that a lion dance demonstration would be happening at an upcoming sharing assembly, she shook her head, then lit up and declared, “That is so exciting! I’ve NEVER seen a lion dance before!” I am so grateful to work at a school that shares this cultural tradition, thereby providing a valuable “window” and “mirror” for the members of our community.

The Lunar New Year kicked off on Wednesday and lasts for fifteen days. Happy Lunar New Year to those who celebrate the holiday in our community, and may we all be blessed with good health and prosperity in the year of the snake!

To learn what your Chinese zodiac animal is, visit this site. Then read this article to find out what your animal sign may indicate about your personality.

BettyChu Pryor, Lower School Head

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