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Brendan Largay, Head of School

BrendanLargay, Head of School

Joy At the Center of Campus

Along with the many benefits of the addition of the Barn to our campus, one unintended yet meaningful shift has occurred for our community as well. Before the Barn, Big Blue was tucked neatly behind the Schoolhouse. Now, from a bird’s eye view of BDS, the locus of attention is drawn to the playground surrounded by the Schoolhouse, the Barn, and Claflin Field. I can imagine no better locus of attention for a pre-kindergarten to grade eight school than the physical representation of joy that Big Blue is for our students.

During a year that has brought much change for students and teachers, the impact of the closure of Big Blue cannot be overstated. Those of us who are outside to supervise recess have regularly noticed the children looking at Big Blue longingly, imagining the day when it would be available to them again.

I am delighted to report that yesterday, Big Blue came back online for our students. A huge shout out to Anderson Santos, Mike Faretra, Lino Medeiros, and Liz LaRocque for their work in creating a schedule and protocols to allow students to get back on their beloved playground structure safely.

This morning we celebrated Spirit Day, and while visiting the sixth grade classrooms, students regaled me with versions of ‘the best BDS cheer’ that they could muster. In each group, there was a palpable reminder of the joy that marks a BDS education. Between those expressions of school pride and the return of Big Blue yesterday, it brought real comfort to see joy on full display, made that much more reassuring by the backdrop of a pandemic that has restricted us in so many ways. It reminded me that the work of redesigning school for a safe return to campus had been done, in no small part, to preserve our core values as a fundamental part of a BDS education. With the nucleus of joy radiating on our campus once again, I appreciate another reminder of why this is all worth it.

Have a great weekend, everyone. Please remember to vote!

BrendanLargay, Head of School

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School is closed

on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, due to weather.