
Planned Giving

Be a Part of a Lasting Legacy

The 1927 Circle
The 1927 Circle consists of members of the Belmont Day School community who make provisions in their estate for a gift to the school. A planned gift is an especially meaningful contribution that demonstrates your commitment and confidence in Belmont Day School’s historic mission and enables us to continue our rich tradition of academic excellence, now and long into the future.

A bequest is a gift made through a provision in a donor’s will and is simple to set up with the assistance of an attorney. If a will is already written, a simple codicil may be added that names Belmont Day School as an additional beneficiary. A bequest may be in the form of a specific amount or a specific percentage of an estate. Because there is no minimum amount, any donor can make a bequest regardless of financial status.

Retirement Assets
Naming Belmont Day School as the beneficiary of part or all of an individual retirement account (IRA) or tax-qualified retirement plan allows a donor to make a lasting and meaningful gift to Belmont Day. Belmont Day School benefits from the full value of a gift of retirement assets because the retirement assets are removed from a donor’s estate and are therefore no longer subject to estate or income taxes that an individual beneficiary would have to pay.

Other Planned Giving Options
A variety of other planned giving options may provide donors with an immediate income tax deduction; avoidance, reduction or deferral of capital gains and estate taxes; and a lifetime income stream. Please contact the Belmont Day School Development Office to receive information about these options.

When you join The 1927 Circle, you become an essential part of the future of Belmont Day School. Your planned gift creates a lasting relationship with the school and is an ever-present reminder of your generosity to future generations.

Donors are encouraged to discuss their charitable giving plans with their own financial and legal advisors. All gifts are subject to the Belmont Day School Gift Acceptance Policy.

To learn more about planned giving at Belmont Day, please contact Assistant Director of Development Kyle Beatty.

The 1927 Circle Logo with a bell and vines
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on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, due to weather.