Meghan Carye '91

Meghan Carye ’91

String Ensembles and Orchestra Teacher

Education: The Peabody Conservatory of Music, Johns Hopkins University, B.M., G.P.D.
Joined Belmont Day: 2013
Community Activities: Currently on the faculty at the New England Conservatory’s Preparatory School and School of Continuing Education, Tufts University’s Community Music Program, Belmont Hill School, St. Marks School, and Lincoln Public Schools
Three Thoughts:

As a Belmont Day alumna, I fondly remember… my Belmont Day years, especially our orchestra rehearsals, Mrs. Davis our fearless conductor, and all of my dear string friends. In fact, I am still in touch with many of them to this day! It is because of the many nurturing opportunities Belmont Day provided me, that I grew into a person that discovered very early just how important the arts and, in particular, music are to me! I truly believe my teaching philosophy has its deepest roots in my formidable years spent as a student at Belmont Day.

Three ways to describe my teaching/rehearsal style are… I place the emphasis on demonstration and modeling, I encourage student participation and risk taking, and of course a fast paced and fun environment.

One fun fact about me is… I am an active hiker, having completed the 4000’ in New Hampshire many times, section hiked the Appalachian Trial (Georgia to Maine), and climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2012 and 2014.

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on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, due to weather.