Home-School Partnership
Parents don’t take long to discover that Belmont Day is a place for the whole family. On any given day, parents may attend a Sharing Assembly, cheer on athletes, applaud theatrical events, help in the garden, discuss board committee matters, or engage in diversity initiatives.
Welcoming Families and Students
The school and a sub-committee of the parents’ association make it a priority to support new students and families as they transition into the Belmont Day community. Overlapping with events that launch each academic year, activities include:
- Outreach by grade parents to welcome new families in the spring and summer after acceptance
- Classroom visits on the day before school starts in September
- Coffee for parents after drop-off on the first day of school
- Curriculum nights for parents
- Fall and spring parent socials
- New family information evening
We believe there can almost never be too much open, honest, and respectful communication between home and school. Our weekly e-newsletter, The Scoop, consolidates timely school-wide news. Other communication channels include weekly classroom or grade newsletters, conferences, progress reports, curriculum nights, and parent learning forums.
Parent Opportunities
All parents are members of the parents’ association and are encouraged to participate in PA educational, social, and fundraising activities.
PA efforts include: grade parents • book fair • community service • enrichment assemblies • family fun night • parent workshops • class social events • fundraising • hospitality • library support • lunchroom flowers • Parents’ Independent School Network (PIN) membership
Grade parents support PA events, facilitate communications between school and parents, and help teachers with classroom celebrations, field trips, and class plays.
Parent ambassadors give tours at open houses and serve as host parents to new families.
The board of trustees includes many parents as full members or as ad-hoc members of committees.