
Learning Updates for November 8 to November 12

November 12, 2021

Arts Update: Fifth Graders Learn Voice Elements

Fifth graders in theater class have been learning about the six elements of voice and vocal projection. Vocal warm-ups were a fun way for students to learn proper breath control and articulation. These set the stage for the students to take on challenging tongue twisters. The class next explored the elements of voice (pauses, stressed words, pace, volume, tone, and pitch) while reciting the nursery rhyme, Little Miss Muffet. This week they applied their newly learned vocal skills to color a poem. In small groups, the students worked collaboratively as they decided which elements would most effectively convey the meaning of the poem to their audience. Each group’s performance was unique and engaging!

– Susan Dempsey, theater teacher 

PE Update: Return of the Parachutes

With pandemic protocols in place, we tucked our beloved parachutes away for much of last year, as proper parachuting can involve close quarters (remember the igloo?). But this school year the parachute is back in a big way! Several grades have already engaged in the joys and cooperative challenges of this beloved piece of physical education equipment. Even seeing it waiting on the center of the Barn courts is guaranteed to bring a murmur (or shout) of excitement. Some of the favorite games this year have been Cat and Mouse Tag and Scooter Surfing, which involves both the parachute and scooters, the ultimate double whammy. The rainbow fluttering above the BDS logo is a sure sign that good things are happening in PE.

– Alex Tzelnic, physical education teacher

Kindergartners Read Some Very Special Books

This week, kindergarteners enjoyed read alouds of books from two very special authors (and BDS parents): Libby Nelson and Katie Leeson! While the books vary in topic, they both feature our very own kindergarteners Edie and Maeve in the illustrations. Kindergartners work each week on their own bookmaking, using booklets with five blank pages, so it was exciting to know that authors can also be people that we know and love. We were inspired by both Brave Maeve and Little Lonely to write extra hard in bookmaking this week!

– Missy Hartvigsen, kindergarten teacher

By Kathy Jo Solomon, visual arts teacher and sustainability coordinator |

September 6, 2024

The school garden has had a great season and continues to produce a variety of vegetables. This summer, we harvested over 175 pounds of fresh, chemical-free vegetables and herbs that included cucumbers, zucchini, summer squash, garlic scapes, beans, tomatoes, basil,…

By John O'Neill, director of athletics |

September 6, 2024

The eighth graders who arrived on campus this week are markedly different from their former seventh grade selves who walked out the doors in June. Sure, they may be an inch or two taller, but the confidence with which they…
Three teachers stand with a sign that says "Welcome! Responsive Classroom"


August 9, 2024

First grade teacher Geoffrey Fox, second grade teacher Katie O’Brien, and fourth grade teacher Emily Crawford attended the Responsive Classroom Elementary Core Course at Burlington High School. This national program trains teachers on strategies for creating a positive community, ensuring…


July 11, 2024

In late June music teacher Kassie Bettinelli and Latin teacher Nicole Buck traveled to Colorado Springs to attend The Gardner Carney Leadership Institute at the Fountain Valley School. The six-day intensive workshop helps K-12 teachers and administrators learn how to…
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