PE Update: Hoops and Serves
In physical education classes, students have been rotating through two classic units the last few weeks: volleyball in the Downing and basketball in the Barn. In one sport, the ball isn’t supposed to touch the ground, and in the other, it has to touch the ground whenever you move. In one sport, you are attempting to avoid the net, and in the other, you are attempting to get it in the net. Talk about confusing! Yet our discerning athletes have been up for the challenge, going from serving and bumping to dribbling and dunking with ease (okay, maybe not dunking). With all that practice, they are sure to be ready for versions of March Madness.
– Alex Tzelnic, physical education teacher
Pre-K Sees Some Beautiful Shapes and Colors
As part of our mathematical study of two and three-dimensional shapes, pre-kindergarten students constructed handmade kaleidoscopes. They used cardboard tubes, mirrored paper, and clear plastic to animate their colorful designs. This project reinforced the names of the shapes we learned, introduced the concept of reflective symmetry, and inspired awe and wonder for our youngest learners.
– Kim Edwards, pre-kindergarten teacher
Fourth Graders Test Their Compost Tumbler Designs
Need a compost tumbler for your food scraps? Fourth graders are creating some for you, using recyclable materials and the design thinking process. This week, teams of engineers were able to test their tumblers to see how they worked with food scraps inside. While there were many successes, there were also some challenges. Students will now brainstorm ways they can improve their designs and user experiences, and then they will implement those changes before retesting their prototypes.
– Emily Crawford, fourth grade teacher